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Monday, 19 May 2008
A Strategy for Attracting Higher Paying Client
Some people have little difficulty attracting andmaintaining higher paying clients. Others can't get tofirst base. Higher paying clients consume less time,exchange energy instead of zapping yours, have higherregards for your relationship, give more referrals, pay ontime, and this in turn allows you to make higher profits.When asked how I recommend raising client’s fees, I answerhonestly, "It’s very difficult." Why? Let me share thisstory, one I'm sure you can relate to. You go to the storeto buy more of something you like but you don't have tohave. Before you paid $10 and now its $15. You play withthe package and stand there rethinking your need, it’s valueand also wondering if can find it cheaper elsewhere. Youleave empty-handed or buy something else. If your price ishigher, their reaction gets magnified.Another angle is to increase their deal, add something tothe pot, something of perceived value. It can work ifhandled correctly. A value added item could be a client-only monthly teleclass or access to a membership-onlywebsite. An infopreneur can add client-only informationalproducts.To collect higher fees, you will most likely need to changedemographics, your mindset, internal and external language,marketing strategy and materials.Here is a list of ten barriers that might be interferingwith attracting higher paying clients:1. Equal stature. People take the time to listen to peoplewho are as or more important than they are. Are you attheir listening level? Do you dress and act the way theydo? Phone interactions require mirroring their language andthinking. Can you speak their language? Or do you need tolearn. Talk as equals. Learn their mindset and shiftyours. If your values are too different, then find anothermarket. If stature doesn't match, they will smell it likecabbage cooking in a kitchen. Show a similar state ofauthority, confidence, and posture. Walk, talk, and sit theway they do. If their mannerisms are too assertive for you,either raise yours up or find another market.2. Thoroughly know each of their challenges and whatsolutions you provide that answer each challenge. Whatproblems are they experiencing? How can you make their lifeor business easier? People take the path of leastresistance. Be that path. Higher paying people are proudof their world and their decisions. They feel they deserveit, they took the risk that the average person doesn't take,and you need to give them that respect but also have yourown.3. Be friendly with them but don't allow them to manipulateyour time or energy. Normally, higher paying professionalsknow how to delegate and leverage and they will use thistechnique to test you. Be friendly with theiradministrative assistants, receptionist, or othergatekeepers but don't bribe them with flowers or somethingto get in the door. That worked years ago but the trend nowis tacky. And, yes, they will always report your languageand behavior back to their paycheck controller.4. The higher their status, the more likely they will bevisionary people. Learn how visionary people think, theirviewpoints, and language. Visionaries surround themselveswith people who believe in their visions. Listen to theirvisions and respect them. They have the wherefore to makethem happen. Support their visions in any way you can.Provide something that answers a step to their vision, evenif it something outside the scope of your service orproduct. Do they need a referral or can't find something,do the research for them.5. The higher you go, the more they expect from yourservice. They expect special care and outstanding service.They know their money can buy it and they demand it. Don'tdeliver anything less. They know what you provide and whatyour competitors provide; you must know this as well.6. Integrity is usually one of their top five values.Always keep your promises and they will keep therelationship. Even if they break theirs, you will need tokeep yours. The higher you go, the less you ever want tobreak a promise. You probably will not get a second chance.It’s like sitting in Donald Trump’s boardroom and he says,"You're fired."7. Don't brown nose. It’s a cabbage thing. If they smellit, they will either quick answering your calls or play youfor entertainment and then toss you away. If you get thislabel, just move on.8. People that earn more money substitute the word "mistake"for "learning lesson." If you don't share this philosophy,change it. It’s a good one to change any way. Theyexperience life and don't worry about the valleys. Themistake belief holds an underlying fear. Fear is energy andhas a smell, and they sense it, easily.9. Their first response to your proposal will always be "howcan they do it with their own resources." Expect this to betheir first immediate thought. Prepare to be able todemonstrate what you offer is what they can't find withintheir own resources -- they can't match it without moreeffort or a different focus. This will earn you browniepoints towards a sale.10. The higher the stature, the higher leveraging skillsthey learned. Leveraging also includes negotiating. Thenumber one skill I recommend people getting in business isto learn how and when to negotiate and how people think whenthey are in negotiation mode. The game changes withdecisions need to be made and the cards are on the table.Higher paying clients don't connect business and pleasure.You will want to learn how to do the same. They may win inbusiness and have drink with your afterwards. Learn to letgo quickly.11. The first "no" is always a test. Don't take itpersonally or as the final answer but make sure you have theright match. Listen if they say no and give three reasonswhy not. This is a firmer no and they are telling you whatthey need (the reasons). It’s your turn to tell them if youcan answer those reasons. If not, you loose, negotiationover.12. When you are looking for higher paying clients, look forpeople who see your product or service as not only valuable,but also essential to their goals or objectives.13. Know what your service or product is worth and stand bythat value. Discount isn't in your vocabulary or theres.Don't make it yours and speak of it first or even second.Only speak of it if they are willing to show you the moneynow and it leads to a higher value for something.14. Remove the "under earner" mindset behind. If you havemore money then they do because of what you do, don't talkdown to them, or make them feel inferior in any way.15. Make it easy for them to work with you. Remove anyhoops or extra steps that take up their time. They are verytime sensitive. If it takes chasing you down by phone, theywill not bother. If you don't answer their emails within acomfortable time for them, they will move on and accomplishwhatever was on their agenda without you. When they docontact you, rest assured, it’s important. They don't wastetheir time.16. Decide in advance, how you are going to hand anyrejections or protests. What, when, where and how will youfollow-up? What back doors can you come in from -- withintegrity, of course?17. High presentation quality required. If they feelcomfortable seeing a slide presentation, don't use a hand-drawn flip chart. If you don't know, ask a few of theircurrent suppliers and a staff member.18. Set up a sophisticated referral-marketing program. Itreally is who you know in their circle. Find their circleand consistently show up. Not to market but to buildrelationships and make connections. When they like you,you're in.19. Be confident about your attraction. Feel the energy ofthe universe, sense it’s attraction, remove any doubt andbelieve in it 100%. Know that it will occur and allowattraction to enter and be a total part of your life andbusiness.Are you ready for this step up? Attracting higher payingclients when you previously didn't, takes commitment,planning, and changing. Jump in without the all theanswers, and tweak. It’s guaranteed to work, that’s the waythe Law of Attraction works.
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