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Monday, 19 May 2008

Engine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

We all get tired and have felt depressed at times, but have you ever considered that your engine may experience the same manifestations?The early signs of Engine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ECFS) is a strong, noticeable lethargy that simply overpowers your engine. The profound weakness does not disappear with additional fuel feedings, oil changes, spark plug replacements, etc. ECFS Symptoms:·Strong and noticeable fatigue even after resting ·Increased fuel appetite·Inability to perform with no apparent reason·Dissipation of energy and vigor·Painful increased toxic exhaust emissions·Vociferous discord in engine ·Increased frequency in oil changes·Persistent soiled spark plugsOne or more of these symptoms warrants further investigation.How does ECFS begin? From the first time you use either gasoline or diesel to fill the tank.Who can get ECFS? ECFS transcends all ages, social and economic classes, as well as geographical locations. Some members of the transportation community, and public consumers as a whole, are inexperienced with ECFS, or are skeptical of the syndrome.What are the statistics for ECFS? Inevitably, all engines powered by diesel or gasoline fuel are affected.What causes ECFS? Sulfuric acid in the engine produced by a combination of water in fuel and innate attraction of fuel to water. Although most diagnosticians thought it to be an age disorder resulting in weakness and fatigue, scientific evidence has now cast doubt on that theory.How can consumers cope with and manage ECFS? The Fuel Doctor suggests that “what we have here is a failure to communicate” between owner and engine. Manifestations are simply an engine’s mode of conveying the need for owner intervention. Learning how to manage ECFS, may help improve the level at which your engine functions, as well as its quality of life. But managing ECFS requires treatment choices: short term versus long term, economical versus non-economical.Long Short-Term Treatments -- Manage individual symptoms as they surface. For example, soiled spark plugs can be changed, or tainted oil can be removed and replaced. Not economically viable.Short Long-Term Treatment – Manage the collective symptoms and simultaneously induce a cure – clearly the optimal economically viable solution.The Fuel Doctor’s Treatment Prescription: Based on scientific evidence, the Fuel Doctor strongly recommends the UBiee Power Pill Fe-3 for treating all ECFS expressions. The UBiee Power Pill Fe-3 is not only a nutritious supplement to fuel feedings, but it has shown to radically induce improvement and liberate cure for all guises of ECFS. It is the most economically viable solution available on the market.Conclusion:Engine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a condition of known causes and is an inherent disorder affecting all engines. Results of treatment with UBiee Power Pill Fe-3 have proven to work an effective and economical cure. **Attn Ezine editors / Site owners **Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine or on your site so long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include the resource box as listed above.

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