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Monday, 19 May 2008

The Focus Wheel

The more clear you become about what you want or desire, the quicker and more easily the Universe brings it to you.The Focus Wheel was first described by Abraham-Hicks as a tool to help us clarify and fix our focus on what we truly desire. If you have been practicing "deliberate attraction" for a while, then you know from experience that:
The more clear you become about what you want or desire, the quicker and more easily the Universe brings it to you.
First I will describe the physical part of the Focus Wheel:
On a blank sheet of paper, draw a circle that almost touches three edges of the paper. In the center of the circle, draw another circle about 5 cm (2 inches) in diameter. From that smaller circle divide the larger circle into 8 equal 'slices'.
Now, in the center circle, write a sentence which contains truth about what you are focusing your desire upon. My recent desire was to sell my house, and I wrote this statement: "The Universe is helping me sell this house."
Then in each of the eight 'slices' around the circle, write something that you believe is true or could be true in relationship to the statement you wrote in the center.
For example:
In the first slice, I wrote: "This house is beautiful! It is wonderfully located. It is well-cared for." In the another slice, I wrote: "The buyer of this house appreciates all the improvements I've made." And in another: "The buyer of this house has sufficient funds and credit to purchase right away. All the money circulates easily."
Once you have written out eight positive things that you believe about your desired outcome, then read the statements alternating with your central desire, like this:
"This house is beautiful! It is wonderfully located. It is well-cared for." "The Universe is helping me sell this house."
"The buyer of this house appreciates all the improvements I've made." "The Universe is helping me sell this house."
"The buyer of this house has sufficient funds and credit to purchase right away. All the money circulates easily." "The Universe is helping me sell this house."
Keep your Focus Wheel handy and refer to it often until your desire has been fulfilled.
Well, my house sold this week. And when I looked back over the eight "slices" of my Focus Wheel, I was thoroughly delighted to discover that EVERYTHING I had written about was fulfilled in the sale of my house. EVERYTHING! This is a very powerful tool, so create your Focus Wheel with care (and a little caution).
Do you have a secret dream, desire or hope? Contact Rebecca to learn how YOU can live your dream!

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