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Monday, 19 May 2008

No Rules

For an interesting experiment, I suggest that you go to any localevent where there are a number of different small businessesexhibiting or selling their wares. A swap meet would be a goodexample, or a street sale, or a local fair. When you are there,observe the different styles of the businesses.Some people put their merchandise on a table and then just sitthere and wait for the customers to come. Others arrangeeverything "just so" with colorful table coverings, plants, andother decorations to create an inviting look. They put up signsthat describe who they are and what they offer, and then theygreet the passersby with a friendly smile. Then there are theoutrageous ones who dress-up in costumes, have loud music blaringfrom behind the tables, or try to entice customers withentertainers. The variety of approaches to accomplishessentially the same goal is fascinating.But, as usual, there is a lesson here: there are no rules abouthow to conduct your business. Sure, there are some basic thingsyou should do, but the key word here is "should". For example,it's simply common sense to treat your customers with respect,but even that can be ignored as in the case of a restaurant thatI know where the big attraction is that the servers are rude totheir guests! Insults are the "special of the day", and believeme they let 'em fly! It's a successful business, too. Gofigure.Since we're talking about rules, let me clarify one thing: thereare definitely rules to follow as stipulated by the management ofthe event. If they say that you can't have loud music, then youcan't. If they say that you have to stay within your assignedbooth when doing business, then you do. I just returned fromsharing a booth at a book fair. Some of the people in the boothchose to ignore that particular rule, and they evicted us! Theyactually came on the morning of the second day and moved all ofour materials into the street so that new occupants could movein! It was unreal, and it was done in a rude, arrogant, andunprofessional manner (but that's another article!).The point is this: don't worry about the "right" way to do yourbusiness, but rather worry about what works! Just because othersin your field do things a certain way doesn't mean that you haveto as well. I think it's important to stand out from the crowd,so don't be shy! I walked around that book fair (which drew75,000 people the first day) in a bright white terryclothbathrobe with a sign proclaiming myself as "The Stay-at-HomeCEO"! Do you think that other authors were doing that, oranything remotely like it?We have a local tourist-oriented magazine and it carries a numberof advertisements from real-estate professionals. One particularpage caught my attention because there were at least a dozenbusiness-card-size ads that were virtually identical except forthe photos. I was astonished. What is it that would cause areader to pick one particular agent out of the crowd?So, write your own rules. They are the only ones that matter.

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