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Monday, 19 May 2008

Women and Bad Boys: What Is The Attraction?

"Bad Boys".
If you're a woman, you may be saying "hmmm" as you hear these words. You know you shouldn't, but you just can't help yourself.
There is just SOMETHING about these guys that draws you in, even as your head tells you to "beware"!
So, what exactly is the attraction? It's not necessarily that they are more physically attractive or smarter or more successful than the "nice guys". In fact, they can have fewer of these qualities, yet be harder to resist.
So what is it? Let's begin by defining these guys. This term is generally applied to males who treat women poorly. Do these behaviors ring a bell?
*calling at 8:30 on a Saturday night to ask if you want to get together
*not showing up for a date- followed by no phone call or apology
*never having any money when you are out
* forgetting or ignoring your birthday and other important dates
*flirting openly with other women when you are together
*hitting on your good friend(s)
*making booty calls at 1am, after they've had a night out with others
*is doing time for a serious felony
Instead of asking "what is it about these guys"; let's instead examine what it is about the women who can't resist them. The following are actual statements from women who have a history of attraction to these guys. See if any of these sound familiar.
* "It's never BORING with him. He's unpredictable and exciting."
* "He's strong, aggressive and self-assured; I feel safe with him."
* "It's not his fault; he's trying to get his life together."
* "I haven't met anyone else that makes me feel the way he does."
* "He's so charming and passionate."
* "He tells me how much he likes me, so he must really feel something for me."
* "He needs me."
* "He doesn't come across as needy and desperate."
* "I can't believe I've attracted someone like him."
Now, on the face of these, they seem pretty benign. We all seek at least some of these traits in the men we choose. So, where's the problem?
Essentially it's in his inability to meet the woman's fundamental needs. She is the one doing all (or most) of the giving. The question then lies in; "what's in it for her?"
The answer can be found by exploring three basic issues:
*level of self-esteem
*capacity for intimacy
*roles that she has been in throughout her life
If a woman feels good about herself, she chooses a mate who communicates both verbally and non-verbally to her that she is valued and respected. She won't allow this other person to undermine her positive self-worth. She believes in her ability to participate in a healthy, reciprocal relationship.
If she doesn't feel good about herself, she chooses someone who reinforces her negative self-beliefs.
If a woman is capable of true intimacy, she is open to the true availability of the other person. She wants him to be a full and active participant in the relationship. She can allow herself to be open, vulnerable and able to take as well as to receive all that true intimacy offers.
If intimacy is difficult, she choose someone who is distant, hard to connect with and not emotionally and/or physically available.
If a woman has had a healthy role in her relationships since childhood, she will choose someone with whom she can continue this healthy interaction.
If a woman has been too long in the role of rescuer, caregiver or the one who sacrifices for the good of others, this will probably be the role she will seek out in her relationships.
Fortunately, most women fall somewhere in between on these issues. So the task is to evaluate yourself in each area and decide on a course of action that will help you to choose a "nice guy", who stirs your senses and meets your needs while being truly available for a real relationship.
Begin with an assessment of what you value most in life and cannot live without.
Go to for an article on "clarifying and living your values".
Once you know what is most important to you and believe that you are worthy of achieving it, you will have taken a giant step towards finding the right partner for you.
Toni Coleman, MSW is a licensed psychotherapist and relationship coach with over 20 years of experience. As a recognized expert, Toni has been quoted in many local and national publications including: The Chicago Tribune and The Orlando Sentinel newspapers and Family Circle, Woman's Day, and Star magazines. She has been featured on ABC News; Discovery Health Channel and AOL Online. As a weekly contributing commentator on the KTRS Radio Morning Show, (St. Louis, MO), Toni offers dating tips and relationship advice in response to listener feedback. Toni founded in 2002 to offer singles the knowledge and tools they need to find and sustain healthy, lasting love relationships. She is a member of The International Coach Federation, and The International Association Of Coaches.

Ironman Wisconsin Triathlon

The Madison area is host to the Ironman Wisconsin triathlon with more than 1,800 elite athletes from around the world are expected to participate. The rush of excitement is building as September 7th is fast approaching. Record attendance is expected this year, as this triathlon is one of the four sanctioned events in the United States.
The persistence of these men and women will be challenged to the fullest as their determination shines through. The 2.4-mile swimming loop will be in the incredible waters of beautiful Lake Monona. The biking portion is a 112-mile loop that stretches into the rural country backroads touching the entire town of Verona. Take time to visit this proud community as spectators stand on the curbs cheering the disciplined bikers as they flash by. Verona’s festival last year alone attracted over 20,000 people and was likened to the “Tour de France”. The pumped-up pedalers will also be racing through Mount Horeb and Cross Plains. The final 26.2 miles is the running portion that tests the endurance of each individual. This part of the course will take the triathletes through scenic parks, historical sites and local attractions such as the University of Madison.Ironman North America and Wisconsin Sports Development Corporation should stand tall as the lead organizations that brought this exciting event to our magnificent state. Their generous sponsors and ambitious volunteers deserve credit for sharing their efforts in setting up water and first aid stations along the way, coordinating shuttles and lodging, working with local and state officials, and their endless generosities could go on. Thanks for helping make this triathlon run so smoothly. If you are unable to attend, don’t feel left out. You will be able to view the Ironman Wisconsin on various regional stations throughout the state and on National TV stations: ESPN, the Outdoor Life Channel and CNN.The vigorous training of each triathlete should be commended. The mindset to push oneself to attempt an Ironman triathlon goal is exhilarating. Each contestant should embrace the honor of participating in this inspiring event. The hard work and time spent in developing these awarding-winning talents to accomplish their dream is the true reward.

Now Earn a Living with Your Home Based Pet Business Opportun

Headline: Now Earn a Living with Your Home Based Pet Business Opportunity A pet business opportunity may be for you if you like animals and are looking to own your own business. People everywhere have pets and there are so many aspects for business opportunities available that you can easily choose something your comfortable with. Pets are universal. Odds are, you have one or maybe more pets in your own home. For most people, their pets are a part of their family and are treated accordingly. Pet stores, boutiques, groomers, sitters, bakeries and specialty shops are booming businesses in this day and age. Many of these pet business opportunities could easily translate into a home based or small business for the willing entrepreneur. Pet sitting for example, is a pet business opportunity that can be done as a home based business. Many people who live in both rural and city environments look every year for someone to care for pets when they are away on vacation or business trips. People who live in apartment complexes look for someone to walk their dog everyday. Pet sitting can be started with a low investment. Getting your name and business known will be a large part of your expenses. Advertising in local publications is a good way to start and never under estimate the power of the web. More and more often people are turning to the Internet for local products and services. In some locations, you will have to be bonded, and it is a good idea to provide solid references and prior experience to your potential clients. On a larger scale, pet stores are cropping up everywhere you look. Although you will have a much larger overhead with a pet business opportunity of this kind, you may find the benefits more rewarding. Having a stable location and a potentially bigger advertising budget will aid in the attraction of customers. There are also many animal business opportunities that can be done online. Owning a virtual pet supply store for example, will cut back on your overhead if you are interested in opening a pet store without having to rent or buy a facility. Also, on the web, you can provide information regarding the different pets and different pet care that is required. This is a good way to enlist the trust of your clients.An unusual pet business opportunity that has become quite common is the animal boutique. People all over the world have dressed up their pooches and kitties in outfits ranging from prom dresses to biker vests. Don't forget the reptiles and rodents that sport fancy collars and harnesses. This would be a specialized example of a pet store that can be done in the general public or online as well!Another prime example of a pet business opportunity that would translate easily from the public to the web would be the animal bakery. The public spends thousands of dollars every year on special treats and cookies for their beloved pets of all breeds. This would be a fun and satisfying endeavor for the chef or nutritionist too!Pet grooming is another alternative pet business opportunity that is widely popular today. Depending on what type of establishment you plan to start will depend on the educational investment you need to make. If you just want to bathe animals, you will not need much education on the different breeds. However, if you are looking to provide a more comprehensive business to a wide variety of breeds, you will need more information and possibly some professional training. Of course with any business, be it home based or out in the general public, you will need to research your legal requirements, such as taxes and licenses. Most cities and counties will have restrictions and applicable laws pertaining to pet businesses, so do your homework. If you are looking for a career change and already have pet experience, then the market is primed for you to enter into a pet business opportunity of your own. Even the novice pet owner can walk a dog. Animals are a permanent part of our culture and existence. There will always be a need for those with pet experience - even if that experience does not include buying sunglasses for your iguana!

Mortgage Terms Explained

When you are hunting for a mortgage, you will find that there are many different types of mortgages available. I will list some of the more common ones and their uses.15 vs 30 YearsYour mortgage term can be just about anything you choose. 15 and 30 year terms are popular these days, although 10 and 20 years also are available.The shorter the term, the lower the interest rate. But the main attraction of shorter term mortgages is the money you save.For example on a $200,000 mortgage with a fixed 4.5% rate, you would pay $1013.38 a month for 30 years and $1529.99 a month for 15 years. Over 30 years you would pay $364,816.80 versus $275,398.20 over 15 years, a savings of $89,418.60 or 24.5% in interest.If you cut a very conservative quarter of a percent off for reducing the lender's exposure by 15 years, your savings will be nearly 26%.Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARM )ARM’s are mortgages whose rates adjust according to the terms of the contract you made with the lender.Usually interest rates are fixed for the first 1, 3, 5, 7 or 10 years. After that period is up, rates will be allowed to fluctuate within the limits of your contract with the lender.Terms are usually 15 or 30 years (although you can negotiate just about any duration you want). There can be a balloon involved.Because the lender is not taking as big a risk on losing money if interest rates rise, these loans will have a lower initial rate than a fixed mortgage. The lowest rates will be for 1 year ARM’s and will go up accordingly.Many people will take out an ARM even in period of low rates, such as now, because they get even lower rates and are able to afford more house. However, the borrower is taking the risk that he can still afford the house after the rates are free to rise.It used to be common for the contract to limit fluctuations to 2% a year. However, 5% swings are becoming more the norm. Depending on what happens to interest rates, you might find yourself priced out of your house. Of course, you could renegotiate if rates start to go back up. The average homeowner owns his or her house for approximately 7 years. If you plan to move before the initial fixed term of the ARM is up, it’s a good choice. If you plan to stay longer than ten years, a fixed rate might be a better option.Balloon MortgageA balloon mortgage is one that is not completely paid off at the end of its term.For example, you might obtain a 15 year fixed rate mortgage that allows you to pay less than the normal amortization schedule would call for. At the end of the 15 years, you will still owe a portion of the principal. How much depends on the terms of the contract.An interest only mortgage is an example of this type of loan. In the case of an interest only loan, the balloon will be the full amount you originally borrowed.This type of mortgage allows borrowers either to afford more house then they otherwise could buy or its reduces their monthly costs, allowing them to spend or invest their savings elsewhere.Again, if you are planning to move before the balloon is due and your proceeds from the sale are enough to cover the balloon, this might be a good idea. However, you face the very real possibility of having to come up with cash when you sell to cover the balloon, especially if you have to sell at a time of declining housing prices. BiWeekly MortgagesA biweekly mortgage is one where pay half of the normal mortgage payments every two weeks. Since you are making 26 payments a year, rather than 24, you wind up paying off the interest sooner and saving considerable interest.Take the example of a $200,000, 4.5% fixed rate mortgage with a 30 year term. The normal payment would be $1013.37 a month.The biweekly amount is $506.91. But the payoff is huge. Your loan will be paid 5 1/2 years earlier and you will save 28% or $32,639.75 interest.You can set up your own biweekly mortgage plan with your existing mortgage, assuming there is no prepayment penalty (which usually only applies the first few years anyhow). Simply send in or have your bank debit your checking account for one half your mortgage payments every two weeks. There should be no extra costs or fees to do this.Or you can reach a similiar result by dividing your monthly payment by twelve and adding that to your payment. In this example that would come out to be an extra $84.44 a month.The secret is that any prepayment, no matter how small will result in saving in interest and a shorter payment period.Bridge LoansBridge loans are used in real estate transactions to cover the down payment on a new home, when the borrower has equity in his old home, but not enough cash.It is generally a short term, interest only loan that is repaid when the homeowner sells his old house.Conventional MortgageMost mortgages are conventional, the terms just vary. A conventional mortgage to most people is a 15 or 30 year fixed rate mortgage with at least 20% down.Construction MortgagesThese are really loans that carry a higher interest rate than a normal mortgage. They allow you to borrow the money to build a house and are converted into a mortgage once the house is finished.FHA (Federal Housing Administration)The FHA is a branch of the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Department. It is a depression era creation, meant to make it possible for people to buy homes at a time when banks where not granting mortgages.The FHA insures loans up to certain set amounts, which vary with the region of the country and the type of loan. Right now the guarantees run from about $160,000 for a one family house to somewhat over $300,000 for a four family home.This type of mortgage is designed to help low and moderate income people become home owners. It requires low down payments and has flexible lending requirements.If the borrower defaults, the government steps in and pays the guarantee. This makes it easier for lenders to write mortgages they would otherwise refuse.Fixed RateFixed rate mortgages have interest rates set for the term of the mortgage, which can be anywhere between 5 to 30 years.Although they can be interest only or have a balloon, they usually are conventionally amortized mortgages.At times like now, when rates are low, most homeowners want to lock in the low fixed rates. They are popular when rates are falling, not so popular when they’re high or going up.This type mortgage is a very good idea if you're planning to live in your house for a while.Home Equity Line of CreditA revolving credit line secured by your home. Because it is a mortgage, it carries a lower rate than other forms of credit and is tax deductible.It differs from a second mortgage in that it is not for a fixed term or amount and can be kept in effect as long as you own your home.This is used most frequently for debt consolidation and can be useful if you rip up your credit cards and use the money you save on interest to invest.Interest Only MortgagesThis is just what it says. You only pay interest, the principal is never reduced.This is the grand daddy of all balloon mortgages and you taking a big risk that your house depreciates in value rather than the other way around.You could very well have to come up with extra cash at closing.The payments are much lower than on a normally amortized mortgage and if you have the discipline, it can be a useful financial planning tool.Jumbo MortgagesMortgage loans over $322,700 (the limit is periodically raised). Otherwise, the mortgage can be fixed or variable, balloon, etc. Rates are usually a little higher than for smaller loans.No Doc or Low Doc MortgagesThis refers to the mortgage application, not to the mortgage itself. Business owners, people living off investments, salesmen and others whose income is variable might use low or limited documentation mortgages.Very wealthy borrowers or those who want substantial financial privacy will sometimes use the no doc option.In either case, in spite of their names some documentation is required. The lender will accept nothing less than excellent credit and even then you will pay more for the privilege.No Money Down MortgagesThese come in two flavors: FHA type loans that allow low or moderate income borrowers to buy a house with little or nothing down and the 80-20 plans, where wealthier borrowers with little money saved up finance 100% of the purchase price.Under the 80-20 plan a first and second mortgage are issued simultaneously. The borrower avoids having to buy mortgage insurance. The two loans are designed to cost less than an 80% loan plus the insurance, otherwise they make no sense.If the borrower puts some money down, you will see the mortgage referred to as 80-10-10 (the last digits will be the percent of down payment) or some similar number.It is mostly used by borrowers who haven’t saved enough for a down payment or by those who have the money, but would rather use it for other purposes.RefinancingThis technically means getting a new mortgage at different, hopefully better terms. A lot of people use it interchangeably with obtaining a second mortgage or line of credit; in other words tapping into the equity of their house.Second MortgagesSecondary financing obtained by a borrower. They can be fixed in amount or take the form of a Home Equity Line of Credit, which is simply a revolving credit line secured by a house.Homeowners use these forms of financing to consolidate bills, do home renovations, put their kids through college, etc. They are tapping into the equity they have in their house to use for other things.This is not necessarily a great idea. You must take firm control of your finances when you start doing this or you risk either losing your house or having to raise cash to pay the mortgages off when you sell.If done properly, you can pay off your debt at a lower, tax deductible rate and invest your savings.VA (Veteran’s Administration) MortgagesThe VA provides mortgage guarantees to active duty and ex-servicemen who meet certain eligibility requirements. (To read the requirements click here.)Like with FHA loans, the government guarantee makes it easier for low and moderate income veterans and active duty service personnel to obtain mortgages.The current VA guarantee is $89,912. It is raised periodically.125% MortgagesIf you want to bet house prices will rise, some lenders will lend you up to 125% of the value of your house. If you’re right, you’re okay. Otherwise be prepared to have your checkbook available when you sell your house.I’m sure that there are other financing options available that I haven’t covered and don’t even know about. But most of the main financing types are covered here.

How to Secure the Best Mortgage Deal and Save Yourself Thous

When you consider that the average home owner will pay out far more in interest over the lifetime of their mortgage than their home actually cost in the first place, you can see why working to secure yourself the best possible mortgage deal now could save you tens of thousands of dollars in interest over the 25 – 30 year lifetime of your home loan.For the majority of us our house is the single most important and expensive purchase we ever make! Because this is the case we invest a lot of time and effort into finding the perfect property in the most ideal location, however few of us invest the time and effort we should into researching and securing the best possible finance method for purchasing our home.This article will give you a few pointers to make the search for the most ideal and personally suitable mortgage that much simpler; and bear in mind that your search for the best loans and repayment vehicles currently available can be carried out on the internet, making the whole process that much more convenient and time efficient for you.Step One - Firstly you need to understand the different types of mortgage that are available - they come in many flavours! By taking the time to understand the way the different types of loan work, you can see which type suits you and your personal circumstances best – after all it most certainly isn’t a case of one mortgage type suiting all people!At their most simple level most mortgages fall into one of the following categories. Different lenders will have their own variations on the theme, but if you understand the basics of the following loan categories you will be armed with sufficient data to move on to step two.Fixed Rate Mortgages – a borrower pays a fixed interest rate for a fixed period of time and usually the longer the fixed period the higher the fixed rate. This type of mortgage protects the borrower from interest rate fluctuations and payment uncertainties but it does mean that when the loan term begins the borrower is usually paying above the best interest rates available. In the US and most other countries apart from the UK you can have a fixed rate for the duration of your mortgage. In the UK it is usual to only fix for a maximum of 10 years.Adjustable or Variable Rate – the rate of interest payable by a borrower can vary. Lenders usually keep their interest rate fluctuations in line with the Bank of England’s base rate in the UK and the rate set by the Federal Reserve Board in the US. Certain lenders offer discounted variable rates for home loans for a fixed period to attract borrowers. The attraction of this type of mortgage is that initial rates are usually far lower than offered under the terms of a fixed rate mortgage…however over a period of time the interest rates can rise considerably and make borrowing far more expensive. Furthermore the fluctuations make it difficult for a borrower to know how much he will be paying from one month or one year to the next.To offset the risk associated with an adjustable rate mortgage some lenders offer ‘capping’ options. Sometimes they fix the maximum level to which the interest rate you are subject to can rise for a given period of time, sometimes they fix the cap per year and sometimes for the lifetime of the mortgage.Balloon Mortgages – popular in the US with homeowners who aren’t planning to stay in their new home for life, these mortgages are usually repayable in 5 – 7 years. They offer the advantage of lower interest rates but the disadvantage that if you are still in the home after the 5 or 7 year period you have to secure a new loan to pay off the balloon mortgage!Jumbo Mortgages or 'Non-Conforming' Mortgages – the UK doesn’t have an equivalent of this US loan type. Basically in the US there is a legislated purchase limit set each year by the Federal National Mortgage Association (nicknamed Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (nicknamed Freddie Mac), a jumbo loan allows the borrower to borrow over and above this amount but for the privilege they will incur higher interest rates.Step Two – having identified which type of mortgage probably suits you best you need to consider repayment methods and you basically have two to choose from: -Interest Only – your monthly repayments to your lender cover only the interest on the loan meaning that nothing you pay back goes towards repaying the borrowed amount; it is up to you to establish some form of savings vehicle over the lifetime of the loan period into which you pay sufficient sums to ensure you have enough capital at the end of the loan period to pay back the amount borrowed.Capital & Interest – your monthly repayments are divided into an interest payment and a capital repayment. In the early years of the loan period most of the monthly payment is swallowed up in interest but over time the balance swaps and you start to pay off more of the capital sum borrowed.Step Three – Now you know which mortgage type and which repayment method you favour it’s time to find the right lender! There are so many lenders offering such a variety of loans that at first it can seem a daunting prospect trying to determine which lender most suits you! However, depending on the strength of your credit record, your current employment position, how much you would like to borrow and how much of a down payment you are in a position to make, some lenders will rule themselves out and some will seem more attractive to you. It is possible to approach an independent mortgage broker or independent financial adviser to assist you with your search. Such an individual will examine the product market place and apply his expertise to locating the best lender to suit his client’s requirements. Most of these brokers are paid a commission by the lender when you take out your mortgage; however some also charge you a fee. Make sure you find out from the broker whether you will be charged as this is potentially an additional fee you could well do without!Finally – there are a lot of informative sites and tools like mortgage calculators available on the internet to provide you with, for example, an idea of how much you can borrow and the most efficient borrowing and repayment method to suit you and also to give you an insight into the lenders themselves. By making use of all the tools and resources available to you and by doing your home work you will be informed and this will strengthen your loan buying position.

How To Determine The Price Of Your Home

Why is it that some homes sit on the market for a year while others sell like hot cakes? Frustrated sellers will blame a bad market, while a good real estate professional will tell you that many times, a slow sale is often attributed to the listing price.
If a home is overpriced, buyers will stay away. But, if the price is competitive with similar homes in the area and “shows” better than the competition, it will have a better chance of being sold quickly.
The secret is perfecting a technique that’s as American as apple pie: comparative shopping.
Although comparing houses with different styles, square-footages and locations is challenging, real estate professionals still feel it’s one of the best methods to use when determining a home’s market value.
A responsible real estate agent will effectively evaluate a home’s worth through a process known as Comparative Marketing Analysis (CMA). Taking a look at assets, such as a swimming pool, bigger than normal living spaces, a fantastic view, adjacent city parks and other attractions, the agent will begin to compare your home with similar properties, called “comparables,” that have sold in the area within the last six months. Typically, the agent is able to recommend a realistic price range that will ensure you top dollar and a reasonably
However, factors such as the amount of time needed to sell your home can alter the agent’s price recommendation dramatically.
Typically, people should check with real estate offices in the community to determine the typical duration that listings are on the market. Sales associates will explain that the marketing “norms” vary with prices and properties. Based on this criteria, the agent feels confident that he or she will be able to sell it for a price that both you and the buyer will be happy with. However, if you’re under time constraints because of unexpected job changes or moving agreements you’ve made on another property, this will narrow your chances of selling the home for top dollar in the market.
Assuming you have sufficient time to market the home, here are a few small steps you and your agent can take to finding the right price for your property.
The best comparisons can be made with similar homes that have been sold within the last 45 days as opposed to the standard six months. Any longer and other factors, such as the economy, could cloud your view of how much your home is really worth.
Another good benchmark is to review the selling prices of homes that have just been sold and are pending closes. Most MLS services provide information on deals pending that most real estate agents should be able to shore with you.
A good rule of thumb before setting a price is to make 20 comparisons of comparable properties within a one-mile radius of your house. Once completed you can feel comfortable that the price you’ve picked is a good gauge of the home’s worth and won’t discourage qualified buyers.
Being open and honest about what you see as the home’s greatest strengths and biggest weaknesses will also help an agent get a better feel for how to best evaluate (or assess) and market your home. Think of your home as if you were the buyer. If your home is listed at the right price, you’re well on your way to a speedy and fruitful sale.
W. Troy Swezey is the author of “HOW TO DETERMINE THE PRICE OF YOUR HOME." As a Realtor at Century 21 Paul & Associates, he has helped many individuals with their real estate needs. Visit his web site to download his free e-book, “REAL ESTATE SECRETS EXPOSED.” or mail to:

Housing Bill - Changes in Right to Buy Scheme

Presently council tenants are able to purchase their rented property after 2 years of tenancy. However, this is about to change. As of the 18th January 2005, the new Housing Bill becomes law and the current 2 years will change to a period of 5 years. This means, that once the proposals come into force, any new council tenant will have to wait 5 years before having the option of buying their property.There is also a proposal to extend the period during which landlords can require owners to repay some or all, of the discount given on a property in the case of an early resale.Currently, purchasers of a property that has been bought on the right to buy scheme, can sell after 3 years with no requirement to make any repayments of the discount. The proposal suggests this should be extended to 5 years. Therefore, anyone who sells a property bought under the right to buy scheme within 5 years of the purchase, will be requested to repay a percentage of the given discount. Repayment figures are as follows: -Currently Sale within the 1st year – 100% Sale within the 2nd year – 66% Sale within the 3rd year – 33%Proposal amounts Sale within the 1st year – 100% Sale within the 2nd year - 80% Sale within the 3rd year - 60% Sale within the 4th year - 40% Sale within the 5th year – 20%With the predicted drop in house prices in 2005 (meaning lower property valuations) combined with the new proposals further restrictions on council tenants wishing to purchase, now may be a good time to consider a right to buy.The proposed changes in the right to buy scheme include measures to reduce the attraction of purchasing a discounted property with the prospect of selling it to make a profit.The initial idea of the right to buy scheme was to give ordinary families the opportunity to own their own homes, something they may not have been able to afford otherwise. However there are concerns about the effects this has had on local housing stock and a number of people profiteering from potential windfalls in expensive property areas.Exploitation in the Right to Buy SchemeThere have been several schemes where third party companies encourage tenants to purchase their homes under the right to buy scheme, by offering them cash incentives. The tenant purchases the property at a discounted price under the right to buy scheme and simultaneously exchanges contracts to sell the property to the company after 3 years at which point no discount penalty will be repayable. The tenant will lease the property to the company and move out of the home with a cash sum. This leaves the company free to rent out the property at the current market rental rates.After three years the tenant sells the property to the company. The company will either continue to rent the property at market rates or the property will be sold on at a substantial profit.The incentive for the tenant is the lump sum offered, which can be anywhere from £5000 to £26000 but is usually a percentage of the equity of the purchased property. This could be attractive to tenants who do not wish to purchase their current home or hope to purchase a property in another area as it will give them a ready made deposit to buy another home.The new proposals are designed to make this type of sale less attractive and prevent profiteering as well as securing local housing for the less well off.The proposed changes in section 180 and 182-189 of the Housing Act 2004 will come into effect on 18/1/2005.For more information on a right to buy mortgage, visit Right To Buy website at the Right to buy website.


All of us are collectors. We collect books, watches, dolls and more. Every trinket known to man woman or child is in someone’s collection. As a young adult, I collected bills. The years continued, I matured and added new debt to my growing assortment of bills. I rarely remembered my fantasy of sipping fine wine, basking on the veranda at luxury hotels, asking the Concierge to arrange for tomorrow’s cruse. My life of work, sleep, and paying bills repeated boringly each day.I was burnt out, trampled on, and my once excited spirit finally broken by what life offered me; the day to day boredom of a rain forest sloth. I wanted to scream, help me someone. I just can’t stand it anymore. I want the life I dreamed. Convinced, no one would understand my longing for the grand pleasures of life, I lived in quiet misery.I longed for jobs that yield abundance of travel, wealth, and excitement. That type of job my soul desperately desired. I knew it existed. I’ve met people that live that life. In types of employment, I’ve been of service to these wealthy people. Where is the first class ticket to success?I learned of a gentleman who had been working at a service station. He made a change in his life. He now has an income of over 500,000.00 a year. How did that happen? Of course, I was skeptical. But my longing of something different and that pile of unopened bills next to my computer prompted me to take action. That’s when I followed a link to a website. I questioned myself. Could this really be true? Could I really make the kind of money I desire?I typed in my name, and e-mail address. I received a follow-up e-mail right away. I then made a phone call to that person. That’s when I learned; yes I learned why I haven’t been making the big bucks. The company taught me in a short time how to change my life. This company introduced me to the splendors of life. I still didn’t believe it, even when I made $5,000 in one day. That’s right! I made $5,000 in less than 8 hours. I now work a job that produces a high yield income. I want to help others achieve this high yield lifestyle. That is why I created my team. The High Yield Team, designed to give others the knowledge so they too can achieve the pinnacle of life’s desires. The law of attraction works with my team. People pay thousands of dollars for years of higher education, but that education does nothing to teach them about how to obtain more than just a job. Wealth attracts wealth, and my team shows you how.You’re worth more, and I show you how to acquire it! Call me at 702-434-3322 or go to my website, High Yield Team. and type in your e-mail. A phone call could get you positioned with the High Yield Team. Do it now, limited positions available. Don’t waste another year collecting debt. Make 2005 the year for different type of bills . . . dollar bills!

Have You Identified the Enemy?

One of the most powerful driving forces in human nature is competition. The desire to overcome something or some company, the need to win, the cause, can in many cases be more important than the day-to-day work of the company.
If your company and your people are to ever reach some level of greatness, you must identify and focus on beating something, on creating and communicating a reason for being.
If your reason for being is that you got fired, so you decided to go into business for yourself, then maybe all you will ever create is a job.
Now, understand that when I say enemy or competition, I’m not necessarily suggesting something negative. While the folks at Apple Computer will tell you that their reason for being is often rooted in beating Microsoft, many organizations also draw motivation from saving things, ridding the world of things, creating peace, making life more enjoyable, teaching, sharing, spreading and a host of other very positive things.
And that’s the point. Small business owners often have no readily identifiable group of competitors or Goliath to aim at but they may find motivation in a great cause or reason for being and connecting that that great cause can become the drive to play the game at the highest level.
Your cause can be grand or it can be humble, but find it and you will be much more prepared to market your business, run your business with passion, hire people who support the cause and create a vision for your business. Great causes possess the power of attraction.
Think what you do isn’t grand enough to call a cause?
I will rid the world of bad advertising, one ad at a time. We will prove that tax preparation can be fun. We will empower anyone to buy a home. I will make my customers so overwhelmingly thrilled they will refer their friends and neighbors willingly. I will ensure that no one will ever be afraid to go to the dentist again.
Are you starting to see how this kind of thinking and the notion of focusing on competition could help drive your actions?
What if you could actually connect your beliefs and values to your reason for being? Would that provide motivation to do more? Would that start to feel like more than a job?
So, what is your organization’s cause for being? Aim high and let your cause guide you, your people and your clients to greatness.

A Vision of a New Morality

Dedicated to Skittles, and my short-lived affection with her...If only she ran a little faster, she may have evaded the police...Whatever sky she sleeps under tonight,I only hope that she dreams of good memories...
When looking at society, and seeing the constant hypocrisies, the inconsistencies, the lies, a person can be inclined only towards two mindsets. They will go along with what they see, they will believe what they are told, they will find it awkward that anyone could challenge things the way they are. Or, they will see the outrightly absurd nature of things, they will see the lies, they will see the propaganda, they will see the inconsistency, and they will refuse to believe it. They will cry out for anything but this society -- they will seek out reason, logic, truth. Anything that is well-reasoned will sooth their heart, anything that is logically demonstrated will be at peace with their mind. Their life will be transformed into a journey, ceaselessly looking for the truth, wherever it is, whatever it tells us, no matter what must be sacrificed to discover it. In our society, we find that there are two people. Those who will accept what they are told, will obey authority, will exist in the way that television and radio has commanded them to exist. And there are those who will condemn the way things are, will resist authority, will point out all the inconsistencies and lies given to us. In generations to come, they will be called heroes. In our own time, they will be called instigators. Historians will regard them as the cause to a change in society. Rationalists will treat them as the finest examples of intelligent people. But what is it that they can truly be called? Searching through the expanse of human language, what name can rightly apply to someone who uses their mind? A person without shackles on their mind, without a blindfold on their eyes, without bondage on their heart, without lies in their mind... may be called a Freethinker.
The theory which may be questioned most by any Freethinker, is the theory of the modern morality. By this, I mean the theory of monogamy, that a person ought to only have one sexual partner at one time. But this theory is more than just that. Not only is it a one-sexual-partner ideal, but it covers other ideas. Those who are promiscuous with their bodies are treated as heartless and brutal. A modern moralist will paint a picture of a slut, and every vice will be given to them. They will say that promiscuous lovers are cruel, are merciless, are vicious, will do anything to get sex, they have no values, they cannot understand love, they are beyond the scope of sympathy... A modern moralist will speak such great lies about the promiscuous lover. Yet, they are wrong. I contend that there is no such thing as a human being who is beyond the scope of sympathy, who cannot understand love. Sympathy and love: these are but the most simple, most basic, most true of all principles to any mammal. I have never known a human being who didn't know the meaning behind tears; I never knew a lover who didn't know the warm touch of affection; even to those who have betrayed me or otherwise believe me to be a vicious mongrel, I know that they too are capable of knowing the truth of love. To say that a promiscuous lover breaks this very basic, scientific rule -- the rule that states that all can know love and sympathy -- is to debauch the face of truth.
The modern moralist will commit more crimes against truth. It is believed that the person who is willing to be physical soonest is of the lowest character, and it is believed that the person holding out the longest is the greatest. A person willing to give a kiss on the face to a person who has been disappointed by life, a person willing to share intimacy and kindness through the physical act of love, a person who knows that being a lover means loving -- this person will be called a "slut" or a "whore." But then, there is another type of person... There will be a man or a woman, who will refuse to touch another from the opposite sex, who will look the other way when someone is attracted to them, who will resist any form of affection. This person, who has been taught to be revolted at the thought of sex or physical kindness, will be upheld as a saint, as a "true person of goodness." These lies that we are told, they sicken me. There was once a time when, with a lover, my fingers caressed the smoothness of her palm, and she kissed my neck. A philosopher who believes in the sanctity of monogamy will look at this, and he will call her a tramp, a slut, a whore. But when I was in the peace of those most cherished moments, I see her angelic face, I feel her soft skin, and in my mind, every trouble is a thousand miles away. For those few brief moments with this lover (who I had known less than an hour), I discovered peace and love. A person who believes in monogamy can speak all they want, they can exhaust the human language as much as they can. But what they say, will never take away the sincerity my lover's affection, will never remove these memories that I tend to revisit when I loss the peace I once had.
What arguments can I offer? What reasoning can I barter with? When I feel the warmth of another's body close to mine, when I know the tender caress on my face... what can I say to defend this lifestyle? Call it "promiscuity" or "whoredom," call it what you like. All the slanders and libels in the world will not detract from the pleasure of it, will not destroy the intimacy of it. When I am looking into the eyes of a lover, I will not be thinking of what they say about me. They will condemn me to hell, but I am deaf to their damnations. They will say I have no virtue, but still, I cannot hear them. So long as my lover is running her fingers through my hair, as my fingertips run down her back, they can say all they want about me, because I am not hearing it. I remember once, as a child, seeing a statue of a man and a woman. The woman was laying back onto the chest of the man, while their hands were met together. It was made by the Etruscan culture. Looking at this statue then, I saw intimacy and kindness. I saw "I feel I can tell you anything." I saw "When I hear you breath, it makes me live." I saw the gentle emotions of a lover not wishing to cause any distress... In this small Etruscan statue, I found respect, kindness, and truth. It was only several pounds of clay, but it may have contained the secrets of the Universe.
If there is any argument that can be offered on behalf of Free Love, or Polyamory, or whatever name one desires to give the belief that we should not have one sexual partner -- if there is any argument, it is the naturality of sex. Any person who confesses they do not have lust is a liar. And any person who wishes to convince others that their natural lust is immoral, this person is a vagrant. When the passions that exist between the sexes are natural, when they are a normal part of our minds, when they the act of love is simply a bodily function, on what grounds can it be condemned? By playing a sport, or by conversating with a friend, or by putting your sincere thoughts on to paper, a person is using the parts of their body. There is nothing wrong with it. There is no crime in it. No one is hurt. But, when a person all of a sudden decides to use their sexual organs, to please their natural desires, to express affection, to know the depths of intimacy, our moralists will call it a crime! By using our body, as we please, for the ends that we desire, and by hurting no one, they call this a crime! But the search for our soul's content, the endless journey of spirituality -- whether it manifests itself in the arms of your lover, or in the books of the ancients -- it has always been condemned by those who were too blind, too ignorant, too set in their ways, to see more than five feet ahead of themselves. The search to know what it means to feel gentle intimacy and friendly kindness, when this search becomes sexual and a person express their desires, the slanders I described above will be put against them.
A man who loves sex will be called a pervert and a woman who hates it will be called a prude. A woman who loves sex will be called a slut and a man who hates it will be called a misguided fool. We are told these lies, over and over, by a society too foolish to think for itself. It has been said by every liberal that freedom means, doing what you will, as long as you do not infringe upon the rights of others. If this is true, if liberty is not a guide but a path to happiness, then by what right can we condemn those who wish to be free form sexual dogma? Why, in fact, deny the natural instincts of one's own sexuality? When we refuse what our heart seeks out, when we turn away from our desires, when the aching to know the truth that is inside all of us, when it is treated with an anesthetic -- at this point, our soul begins to whither, and our spirit becomes something foreign from when we were first born. If all men are born free, then it is by rejecting our true selves that we become slaves to misery and vice. I do not believe, however, that all men and women seek out sex as the greatest good, nor do I believe they should. I believe that a person should look into their hearts, and see for themselves what they want. They should not be afraid of what society calls them. They should not be afraid of how their friends react. They should not be afraid of what may happen by discovering their heart's desire. Upon discovering what sex means to them -- whether it is a great means of pleasure, whether it is the most perfect way of expressing one's affections, whether it is a combination of these and other ideas -- once a person discovers what sex means to them, they should live a lifestyle accordingly.
Just take some hypothetical scenarios... If you were alone with a friend whom you cared about deeply, and you knew there was an attraction between you -- and you felt that sex was the greatest way to express your soul -- then what would be so wrong about making such a proposition? Feeling the gentle touch of a lover over your body, there is little more that can be seen as perfect security, as perfect tranquility. What then, would you have gained from such an encounter? Memories that will serve you in your darkest times, memories of kindness, peace, and intimiacy; physical pleasure; and knowledge. What would be the benefits of refusing such an encounter, when you know that you longed for it in your heart? I can see little. Peace and truth are the greatest ends of every humane person. There should never be a reason for avoiding the path that leads to these humble desires. I had once heard that a person was imprisoned by the government for oral sex, what the law had regarded as a "Crime Against Nature." I contend that the greatest crime against nature is refusing what your heart tells you to do, allowing your soul to grow bitter and disenchanted with life.
By this new morality, this idea that it is no crime to rub your face in the neck of your love, to let your fingers speak for your soul... By this new morality, I propose that there should never again be a girl full of tears, because she is lonely but feels sex is immoral. I propose that there should never again be a man frustrated with sex, because his hormones are building up but he feels sex is a crime. I propose that men and women everywhere should throw off the chains of an antiquated morality, of a slavery that kept their heart in bondage. There should never again be a person who compromised the desires of their heart with a vicious society, there should never again be a person who is content with the daemons of loneliness, there should never again be a person who knows the stinging pain of being alone, there should never again be a person doomed to pain -- never again should we allow these tears to amonut to nothing, never again should we allow these cries to go unheard -- I propose that every man and woman should not be afraid of sex, that they ought to do as their heart tells them, as long as they make no one suffer... I propose that our culture adheres closer to the sentiments of kindness and charity, and closer to the principles of truth and reason.

The Focus Wheel

The more clear you become about what you want or desire, the quicker and more easily the Universe brings it to you.The Focus Wheel was first described by Abraham-Hicks as a tool to help us clarify and fix our focus on what we truly desire. If you have been practicing "deliberate attraction" for a while, then you know from experience that:
The more clear you become about what you want or desire, the quicker and more easily the Universe brings it to you.
First I will describe the physical part of the Focus Wheel:
On a blank sheet of paper, draw a circle that almost touches three edges of the paper. In the center of the circle, draw another circle about 5 cm (2 inches) in diameter. From that smaller circle divide the larger circle into 8 equal 'slices'.
Now, in the center circle, write a sentence which contains truth about what you are focusing your desire upon. My recent desire was to sell my house, and I wrote this statement: "The Universe is helping me sell this house."
Then in each of the eight 'slices' around the circle, write something that you believe is true or could be true in relationship to the statement you wrote in the center.
For example:
In the first slice, I wrote: "This house is beautiful! It is wonderfully located. It is well-cared for." In the another slice, I wrote: "The buyer of this house appreciates all the improvements I've made." And in another: "The buyer of this house has sufficient funds and credit to purchase right away. All the money circulates easily."
Once you have written out eight positive things that you believe about your desired outcome, then read the statements alternating with your central desire, like this:
"This house is beautiful! It is wonderfully located. It is well-cared for." "The Universe is helping me sell this house."
"The buyer of this house appreciates all the improvements I've made." "The Universe is helping me sell this house."
"The buyer of this house has sufficient funds and credit to purchase right away. All the money circulates easily." "The Universe is helping me sell this house."
Keep your Focus Wheel handy and refer to it often until your desire has been fulfilled.
Well, my house sold this week. And when I looked back over the eight "slices" of my Focus Wheel, I was thoroughly delighted to discover that EVERYTHING I had written about was fulfilled in the sale of my house. EVERYTHING! This is a very powerful tool, so create your Focus Wheel with care (and a little caution).
Do you have a secret dream, desire or hope? Contact Rebecca to learn how YOU can live your dream!

Grow Rich With Your Thought

Our brain is a marvelous creation. It receive and transmit information like a wireless phone. Our thought are made of wave. We call that brain wave. It is around 10 to 40 cycle per second when we are awake. In fact our thought are MAGNETIC. Like a magnet we attract circumstances and opportunities. We litterally ATTRACT the life we want with our POWERFUL thought like a magnet ! You might say :" But Michel i have been thinking about wealth all my life and the only thing i got is 5 cents in the banks !" Do you think about wealth or the lack of wealth ? This is different my friend. When you think about not having enough money what do you attract ? Not enough money of course ! This is a spiritual law ! It's the law of attraction or sameness or harmony. You cannot have, what you don't think you can have. Like attracts like. Like criminals with criminals and saints with saints. We join a group because they share the same ideas as ours (the law of sameness). We won't join people who doesn't thing the same as us ! Like attracts like - you get the point ! I'm sure you do now. We have to replace our old thinking if we want to succeed. Think about success and wealth and not: " Not enough money " or " I cannot succeed " . Replace this with : " I will succeed litlle by little, day by day ". Our action follows our thinking. If we don't believe we can start a business we won't start a business. Period. But if we believe we can start a business here is what happen : First our thought will attract information on how to start a business. So we first learn how to start and grow a business. After that we start taking action like maybe getting a loan, finding a location (if we have a physical business). After that finding good employee, good marketing, good products etc. We do what we think. Everything we do comes from our thought. Our thought form our belief. We have to believe to succeed. We act from our belief. It's not diificult to believe in wealth ! Look at all the people who succeed and have succeeded. There are not different from you. There are flesh and bones and not some space alien ! To become wealthy you have to think like them. Learn from them. If they have done it. You can do it too. You don't need to have come from a rich family or to be a crook to be wealthy. The crook will one day get caught. The simple formula to succeed is this. The ultimate truth of all ages and all the universe is : THOUGHT. Taught your way to success. Think and act. Act and think. Use your crative thought to create wealth or anything you like in your life. What you like you attract easily. Remember like atract like.

10 Magical Steps to Fulfilling Your Prosperity Dream!

So you want to be successful, healthy, happily married, and rich? Do you feel like a successful, healthy, happily married, accepted, rich person? Or do feelings of resistance, frustration, anxiety, insecurities and deceit shadow you? Are you still feeling needy, lost, rejected and deprived? Do you "see" wealthy people as scavengers ready to gobble up the goods? Are you envious of what another has? Do you feel guilty and identify with poverty and failure? Are you surrounded by people who don't believe in you?If you feel negative about money, success and yourself, you are not resonating from the fulfillment of your prosperity dream. You are still being defined by lack.If so, your desire for success will remain just that -a desire. If you continually feel depressed, annoyed, upset, and irritated with yourself or the outside world, you are generating negative vibrations. If you are someone who is used to suffering and not getting what you want from life, you are still living in a poverty/ failure vibrational frequency.If your old mental and emotional habits don't feel right anymore, stop wearing them, the way you would stop wearing a pair of shoes that don't fit. It is up to you to create an alternate future and set forces to work for you rather then against you.Habits are like clothes, you wear them. They fit your personality and self-image. Some clothes make you feel like a million dollars while others make you feel fat. So often, we wear the same old clothes just because we are use to them.The same can be said for mental habits and feelings. Over 90% of your thoughts and reactions were learned. Whenever a situation arises that reminds you of the past you tend to interpret it through old emotional responses. If for example, you were whipped a lot, you have to help yourself move through your fearful feelings every time you see a whip. When you free this blocked emotion, whips are just whips. When you deal with your feelings using the Principle of Imaging you will heal your past memory and move into the present moment. Instead of being reactive you become proactive!Here are 10 steps to Feeling Prosperous and Fulfilled.1.Listen to your inner conversations. What are your mental habits telling you? A poverty mindset knows why things can't work out. A successful mindset always steps up to the plate and looks for a way to work through a crisis. Start having discussions with yourself the moment you feel a hysterical reaction coming on. If you get in the habit of intervening on your own behalf you will proceed to hold a correct attitude and change your emotional reactions. 2.Meet the Challenge. If you have a melt down and lose your focus, freak out, and go into an emotional tail spin, once it's over go back to your image and refocus. You don't have to beat yourself up because you lost it. A fall out doesn't have to become a major set back. You are learning to identify when you are vibrating from an error pattern. Things may still scare and upset you for awhile .You are in the process of building self- trust and self-confidence. You will be able to meet an obstacle every step of the way once you develop a good relationship with your deeper Self.3.Congratulate yourself.Give yourself credit when you react to a negative situation as an opportunity rather then a setback. Get in the habit of comforting and nourishing yourself when things don't go right and you will not succumb to destructive emotions. Each time you do this you will make a deposit into your emotional security bank. And feeling safe and secure is the vibration that attracts prosperity. Keep investing in yourself and you will resonate with abundance and optimism. Before you know it, you will start feeling entitled to having good relationships and success! 4.Throw off the old you like a snake shedding its skin. If something happens that threatens your peace of mind reassure yourself that all is well. How? Direct all of your attention to that which is good. Focus is the winner's companion. In time you will learn how to keep your cool when the boogie monster shows up. 5.Treat yourself well.You don't need to prove that you are a failure anymore. You need to treat yourself like someone you love and care about. Once you get in the habit of feeling lovable and acceptable you will repel abusive people. 6.Let go.It is time to clean house and surrender your concepts of lack. Why allow negative people to scramble your brain? Why keep reminding yourself of painful uncomfortable times? Let go and let the Power work for you. Let go means let go! Make room for the money, success, healing, and fulfilling relationships you desire to be drawn to you. You deserve to feel like you are # 1. If you need to have a good cry, have it. Once your eyes have dried persist to let the "old you" go. Do this and you will invite (vibrate with) the fulfillment of your dream into your life. 7.Accept Responsibility.Make changes gradually and you will start feeling better about yourself. Just image. How many times should you do an image? Do it and do it and do it until you change your emotional point of attraction. 8.Commit to new results.Keep your partnership between your conscious and subconscious mind strong and success will be your closest companion.9.Feel like a million bucks.Feel good. The Power to Create is anchored in the present moment. If you want to realize your dream for success start feeling grateful about your success. Accentuate the positive and you'll build up your vibrational frequency. 10.Don't look back!Once you have consciously imaged a new result don't turn your attention back to your former concept of yourself. If you do, you will re impress yourself with what you don't want and go back to a lower emotional frequency. Success, health, happiness and wealth don't just pop in. Most visionaries who are wealthy, successful, healthy, and happy have certain things in common. These people have a certain mindset that include big dreams, good habits, imagination, strong positive beliefs, unshakable inner confidence and a connection to The Source of All That Is. They don't just "talk the talk, they walk the walk".Someone who uses Spiritual Principles to attract positive outcomes simply focuses his or her conscious mind and absorbs new ideas until he or she feels entitled to the gift of a new experience. This type of person loves and enjoys the adventure of life. They attract money, opportunities, good people, and harmonious situations that reflect their mindset. They are passionate about feeling their joy the way some people are passionate about their golf game.People who know how to vibrate from higher emotions do not attract negative people who cling to them like lead weights. They attract people who believe in them and are in harmony with similar creative results.Once they know how to apply the Principle of Imaging, it wouldn't matter if the money went away. Their awareness of how the Universe operates and their confidence would simply get them to start imaging all over again. Knowing that the Law of Identical Harvest is always at work, they would simply step up to the plate and hit a home run.The only thing standing between you and the fulfillment of your dream is an opposing belief and feeling not bad luck or a past life.If you truly want to bring the object of your thought into manifestation you have to make a decision to get in the habit of feeling prosperous, happy, grateful, accepted, healthy, loved and successful here and now.Remember, there is no one to change but yourself!© 2002, Melissa Zollo

From Ant Farm To Success

Tom Harpointner, a founder of AIS Media, told us a story one day that struck me as containing qualities that have been a huge part of Tom's success in Internet business. Our story begins with 10 year old Tom's ant farm. He'd always had antfarms in buckets and boxes and so forth. One day his neighbor tossed out an aquarium in excellent shape, except for a cracked bottom. While clearly not the appropriate receptacle for fish, Tom, even at that early age, had a vision.Where others saw merely a flawed vessel, a used, discarded, aged box, Thomas Harpointner saw past all that to the essence: this item would be perfect as a state of the art ant condominium. Yes, his ants would live in comfort and luxury for the rest of their antly lives. And not only did he provide a wonderful community for ants, he spread the word and marketed those ants to everyone who would hear him. Sure, the other kids laughed- what kind of doofus geek keeps an ant farm? Tom invited the nay-sayers and non-believers to witness the great wonder. It didn't take long for the word to spread that Tom had something cool going on in a glass tank outside his house. Tom would explain to his audience how the ants, once introduced to their new environment, worked together to create their own communication and travel system. By depositing foreign objects like orange peels and other bugs into the tank, he demonstrated how his favorite insects worked together to achieve a goal.Successful Internet entrepreneurs share these characteristics- the "I have a dream" vision, the persistence to work through any obstacles blocking making the dream a reality, and the passion to communicate this vision to everyone in a manner that instills passion in those who hear about it.If you are excited about the product or service you are providing on your website, you are already sharing a quality of entrepreneurship. Your excitement will inspire those working with you on your website, or those customers and prospective customers you talk with. Business owners who are constantly thinking about their business, and the next thing to do or to add or to accomplish are going to besuccessful because they have a vision and are working to become successful through everything having to do with their business. Just keeping an open mind will open doors for you. You never know when you'll stumble across your own cracked aquarium.Keep working on your website. A bunch of ants in a glass box is not a big attraction, but when you add the ants and make the whole thing an interactive experience by throwing in a few orange peels and educating people on how things work in the ant world, now that's big fun! A great idea alone will not allow you to be successful, you must also persist in making your dream, your vision, a reality.You've got to be able to teach people about your product or service, and that will take some trial and error and every effort will turn up more obstacles. Keep your goal firmly in mind and keep moving forward.Communication and passion are your knockout punches. Talking and sharing your thoughts and goals for your business accomplishes two things. First, you will continue to keep your business foremost in your thoughts, which helps you maintain your vision for your business. Second, your enthusiasm is one of the best promotion tools you have. According to "The World Wide Internet Opinion Survey," a joint project of @d:tech and Talk City, respondents said that after using search engines, word of mouth was the vehicle that most drives them to new web sites. If you talk about your website to people you're in touch with, and include your website address in your signature information at the end of your email messages, you are going to generate traffic to your site. People are curious and will want to see what is fueling your excitement. It's your passion that will inspire other people to come see your cool new ant condo.There are many skills and characteristics that will contribute to your success on the Internet, but vision, persistence, and passion are indispensable to your success.

Franchises - Exit Strategies

At an International Franchising Symposium in London, Peter Holt made the bold statement to his audience of Franchisors that they needed to understand that their business would fail, and in fact all businesses are bound for failure. Needless to say, there were a few shocked faces in the crowd. He was making the point that it really is just a matter of the number of calendar flips before time strangles any business. It’s a hard point to argue when you think that the Neanderthal Fortune 100 included Barney’s Dinosaur Obedience School. Not a lot of money in that these days.
Evolutionary change would seem to indicate that we should all prepare for failure. Of course, if we do an extremely good job, perhaps our grandchildren’s grandchildren have the problem, and we can rest easy in the hammock for now. In a much more practical view of the calendars we get to flip ourselves, we should think about creating a successful Franchise business, maximizing the value, and realizing the optimum return with an appropriate exit strategy.
The folly often lies in not considering this part of the equation at the very time that you are considering entry into the Franchise in the first place. That’s exactly the time when you need to give significant consideration to the value of the asset that can be created. Ongoing profitability, cashflow, and emotional fulfillment, are all important criteria in the process of making an informed business decision about becoming a Franchisee. But then so is the growth of the asset value you create, along with the ease of realizing that value at the time you intend to exit.
Snagglepuss always knew it was ‘exit, stage left’, but that is not always so clear in the operation of a Franchised business. What is clear is that some dedicated thought needs to be applied at the time of entry so that appropriate strategic planning is put in play. Let’s consider a simple example to illustrate the importance of this consideration where you can increase the value of the business by $200,000 in five years, and there is a ready and willing market for the business at the end of that time. A straight-line application of the value increase, without considering the time value of money, would indicate that the real average annual earnings would be $40,000 over and above the net income of the business.
That should tell you that a business that earns $80,000 per year in profit might actually be a better investment than a business that makes $100,000 per year, if the latter has significantly less realizable value at the time of exit. If the plan is succession to family members, then again, the value of the asset to be transferred is of paramount importance, and not just the annual income.
Of course the timing of exit or liquidation will carry significant weight, and it’s not always in our control. Gilligan’s partnership share of Skipper’s Cruise Lines would have been much more valuable before he met Thurston and Lovey. That would indicate that we shouldn’t put the hen’s product all in one wicker carry case. The consideration should include both ongoing profitability, as well as ultimate asset value at the planned time of exit.
The value of planning can’t be overstated. The Allies didn’t just decide to go for a boat ride across the English Channel to Normandy one sunny afternoon. The Miami Dolphins didn’t win three Super Bowls in a row in the 1970’s because they won the coin toss. They even withstood the infamous Garo Ypremian foibles, because their plan was tight and well executed.
It certainly makes sense that a tight, and well executed, business plan would include both the profitability of the venture, and also the ultimate cash value at the end of the rainbow. The Franchisor should be able to provide you with pertinent information about asset growth, and the factors that will affect transition. If they are unwilling to discuss the matter, the solution is simple – run!
All good Franchisors should be looking for Franchisees that wish to maximize the value of their business with a well laid out plan. That will only enhance the value of the Franchise system as a whole, which increases value for each individual stakeholder. For the Franchisee, it really should be a significant attraction to become involved in the business in the first place.
The 21st century businessperson is the spawn of corporate hijinks and technological advancements in today’s global marketplace. What mattered in the past is not important now, including individual employees, whole departments, and entire processes. The new entrepreneur needs to control their own destiny, and will not place their fate in the hands of others. They will not risk Mr. Dithers handing them a pink slip. They believe that assessable risk is required to earn financial freedom. They also understand that the proper equation to assess risk includes both current profitability plus long-term asset creation.
Of course, there must also be emotional attachment to the business at hand in order to optimize value. If the plan is to grow the business to maximize value, and there is emotional commitment to that plan, the results can be dramatic. How important is emotional attachment? I’ve stayed in hundreds and hundreds of hotels, and yet I’ve never seen anyone clean the toilet in their room. There’s simply no emotional attachment to the asset. I’ve never seen anyone wash their rental car either. Nurturing, prodding, improving, adjusting, and building, all take commitment in order to be the creator of the ultimate value.
Like a baboon picking fleas, each business opportunity has to be examined carefully. The asset value of some service-based businesses will often hold value, and in fact increase in redeemable value as each new client is added to the business. The exit strategy of a retail location should include an assessment of the initial investment required, real estate values, competition, and demographic factors. The history of increases in Franchise Fees should also be considered to predict future minimum transfer value.
I experienced a good case in point about Franchise Fees. In 1972, a good friend and I decided that March break was best spent at Daytona Beach, as all good first-year college students conclude. We found this new restaurant there that had line-ups around the block - literally. It was called McDonalds. When we returned to campus, we went to the library to do some research because we were told that McDonalds might entertain building one more restaurant for the right person. The cost at the time was $25,000. If we could have figured out how to raise the money, we would have become partners in a McDonalds Franchise, and my bet is we would have at least doubled our money.
Portability of transfer, able & willing marketplace, skills & training required for entry into the business, and predicted brand value at the time of anticipated transfer are all part of the equation. Flexibility of the Franchisor to address new market opportunities will create new markets for the Franchise. In addition, expansion plans of the Franchisor need consideration. Static doesn’t cut it. A plan to continue to bring in new and vibrant Franchisees well into the future will increase brand value, and nurture the market for the product or service of the Franchise system.
O.K., I didn’t say it would be easy to assess. There’s a lot to think about. What I am saying is that it would be foolish to avoid the issue. The timing of exit may be 10 years down the road, or 15, or even 25, but at the very least, it should be considered as a part of a long-term strategic plan. Daniel Hudson Burnham said “Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood.” So plan. Plan to profit. Plan to nurture and build. And plan to exit.
The factors listed above must be assessed and ranked in order of importance before understanding the true value of the anticipated business venture. The maintenance and growth of asset value, as well as portability on transfer will ultimately determine the real return on investment.
Even though Barney was on the bleeding edge when he invented the dinosaur biscuit to reinforce good behavior, his target market ultimately went with the cats and dogs option. Of course, there wasn’t a big market for VoIP and Blogs in that digitally deprived age, when zeros and ones referred to the near death experiences of that particular day. Oh yeah, and it wasn’t that long ago, when McDonald was an old farmer.
The real message is that Barney should have had a plan to find a buyer before Rin Tin Tin and Sylvester showed up on his neighbor’s doorstep.

No Rules

For an interesting experiment, I suggest that you go to any localevent where there are a number of different small businessesexhibiting or selling their wares. A swap meet would be a goodexample, or a street sale, or a local fair. When you are there,observe the different styles of the businesses.Some people put their merchandise on a table and then just sitthere and wait for the customers to come. Others arrangeeverything "just so" with colorful table coverings, plants, andother decorations to create an inviting look. They put up signsthat describe who they are and what they offer, and then theygreet the passersby with a friendly smile. Then there are theoutrageous ones who dress-up in costumes, have loud music blaringfrom behind the tables, or try to entice customers withentertainers. The variety of approaches to accomplishessentially the same goal is fascinating.But, as usual, there is a lesson here: there are no rules abouthow to conduct your business. Sure, there are some basic thingsyou should do, but the key word here is "should". For example,it's simply common sense to treat your customers with respect,but even that can be ignored as in the case of a restaurant thatI know where the big attraction is that the servers are rude totheir guests! Insults are the "special of the day", and believeme they let 'em fly! It's a successful business, too. Gofigure.Since we're talking about rules, let me clarify one thing: thereare definitely rules to follow as stipulated by the management ofthe event. If they say that you can't have loud music, then youcan't. If they say that you have to stay within your assignedbooth when doing business, then you do. I just returned fromsharing a booth at a book fair. Some of the people in the boothchose to ignore that particular rule, and they evicted us! Theyactually came on the morning of the second day and moved all ofour materials into the street so that new occupants could movein! It was unreal, and it was done in a rude, arrogant, andunprofessional manner (but that's another article!).The point is this: don't worry about the "right" way to do yourbusiness, but rather worry about what works! Just because othersin your field do things a certain way doesn't mean that you haveto as well. I think it's important to stand out from the crowd,so don't be shy! I walked around that book fair (which drew75,000 people the first day) in a bright white terryclothbathrobe with a sign proclaiming myself as "The Stay-at-HomeCEO"! Do you think that other authors were doing that, oranything remotely like it?We have a local tourist-oriented magazine and it carries a numberof advertisements from real-estate professionals. One particularpage caught my attention because there were at least a dozenbusiness-card-size ads that were virtually identical except forthe photos. I was astonished. What is it that would cause areader to pick one particular agent out of the crowd?So, write your own rules. They are the only ones that matter.

Euro Tax Haven Threat

Media reporting of a new EU savings tax directive has left many people wondering whether European tax havens could soon become obselete.The July directive requires banks throughout Europe, including low and no tax areas such as Gibraltar, Monaco, Malta and Andorra, to disclose bank account owner information to their home country’s tax authority.But Roger Munns, Managing Director of tax haven property specialists Tribune Properties, says that some of the reporting has been less than accurate.‘The purpose behind this directive is primarily aimed at those who hold illicit funds, such as drug dealers, who will need to look outside of the European banking system to place large cash deposits. The main attraction of Monaco and Andorra is the zero per cent income and inheritance taxes, and this remains intact and there are no plans whatsoever to change this.’Monaco and Andorra have long been favoured destinations for the well to do, but with new technology allowing businessmen and women to run their offices from anywhere in the world, operating from low tax bases has seen added interest for Europe’s primary tax havens, doubling property prices in the last ten years.Both Monaco and Andorra are outside the EU, and their signing of the directive voluntarily is often overlooked in the media’s analysis of any effects on the two small countries long term popularity.Property prices have risen steadily over the last decade, often topping ten per cent a year, but this year has seen a slow down of that increase.Property Price UncertaintyBoth Monaco and Andorra’s property prices have seen a levelling off this year, according to Tribune Properties, but say this can be explained by factors other than the new EU directive. Tribune say that in Monaco the passing of Prince Rainier earlier this year cast a shadow over the Principality, while in Andorra the local market has slowed as Andorrans struggle to keep up with the price of property, fuelled by buyers from around the world seeking residency. Two other factors have contributed to the slow down in the first half of the year which could be reversed in the second half – the absence of UK buyers awaiting the outcome of their election in May which saw the Labour Government returned for a historic third term with Tony Blair as Prime Minister and possible tax rises in the pipeline, and buyers holding US dollars who were hit by the rise in value of the Euro – which has now peaked following the EU Constitution ‘No’ votes in France and The Netherlands in June.Both Andorra and Monaco require new residents to live there for six months a year to maintain their residency (but Andorra doesn’t police this once residency is granted). Andorra property prices start from just over 200,000 Euros for a one bedroom apartment, while Monaco is more expensive with one bedroom apartments from around 600,000 Euros.Tribune Properties offer details of properties for sale in both Andorra and Monaco. For Andorra property visit , for property and real estate in Monaco and Monte Carlo Tribune also offer to e-mail current property for sale in Malta at and property in Menorca at

Dating Tool: Confidence 101

I’m over it. “There’s plenty of fish in the sea,” they say. Well, apparently I have been using the wrong bait. Nobody said dating would be easy, but Hollywood sure likes to paint it that way, doesn’t it? “There’s someone for everyone,” they say. Maybe that ought to translate to, “There’s someone for everyone….as long as you’re a muscled pretty boy with washboard abs, and at least 6 feet tall.”
So how does one get by this unsettling dating stipulation? Are we actually to believe that love will find us when we’re not looking? I think people who say that are normally in happy relationships when they say it. Can we “buy” outer beauty from an online store to match our own inner beauty? Somebody is buying pheromones and weight-loss pills and liposuction and facial restructuring. Hell, now people even get plastic surgery to make them look like a celebrity. Huh??? And you know what? I bet these things work for people. As long as it can build the confidence up in someone, it also strengthens the attraction. So how can we build up that confidence without spending tons of money to people who know how the game works? Sounds like a question for the shrink.
I suppose its all part of why I started up a matchmaking service with a friend of mine in Los Angeles. It can be so frustrating out there. And being “alone” can only make your work day more stressful, it seems. So if I had someone to do the dirty work for me….get me the dating connections, counsel me on why I might not be getting that second date, maybe my frustration level would decrease. So I went into the business….pretty much as a means to find out what can be done to find the perfect one. OK, so nobody’s perfect, but at least maybe I can find a decent one who happens to have similar ethics as myself. Oh, and a killer sense of humour is mandatory. But looking around, nobody was going to help me, a fact that made me feel even more alone! So I had to do it myself. Such is life, right? Part of it might be that I feel a need to always be in control of my own destiny. As long as I am actively pursuing something, I am a success. Yea, that sounds right! So I joined forced with my cohort and we started Let’s Meet Here. Now I’m gonna’ find the one, right?
As it seems unethical to date my own clients (damn, I knew I’d run into some roadblock!), I figured….at least pass on any information I can gather to those who need it (and baby, we all need it!). Granted, I am learning about all this stuff now. It seems every date and every relationship is completely unique. There is no list of do’s and don’ts that applies. But I do know that going into the business has allowed me an increase in confidence that is apparent in me without my even having to think about it. I am starting to really believe that success comes from the active pursuit of a goal, whether or not the goal is achieved. The process in itself builds character…and character is attractive.
So while I learn as I go, I will show as I go too. It is absolutely within my own power to be a success. And the pursuit of achievements is an achievement of its own. However, I have also learned that a little is never enough. And to settle after one’s success is no success at all. Maybe now I’m fishing with the right bait!


People make money and people lose money with cycling programs. People also make or lose money with network marketing and any other kind of legitimate business under the sun! While Ponzi schemes are illegal, some people make money with them, too, while many more lose money..In this article, I would like to give the reader some information about Ponzi schemes and about “Cycling” programs.PONZI SCHEMESPonzi schemes are a type of illegal pyramid scheme, named for Charles Ponzi, who duped thousands of New England residents. In the year 1920, Ponzi offered 50% profits every 45 days. He collected $9.8 million dollars from 10,550 people and paid out $7.8 million in just 8 months.This was a kind of swindle, also called a “bubble” and has existed for hundreds of years. In reality, it is not an “investment” as people are led to believe. Money is simply being transferred from new investors to earlier investors. It is a fraud in which the “investors” are promised extremely high returns over a very short period of time.This short payment time and high rate of return soon attracts large numbers of people. Initial “investors” make a lot of money, but their profits are not a result of the success of a business. Their profits actually come from the contributions of those people who later join, thinking they are participating in a legal business investment.Ponzi schemes typically claim that their moneymaking abilities are because of their elaborate, inventive investments or business process. Because of word-of-mouth advertising about this great “opportunity,” new depositors are quick to jump on board. Usually a Ponzi scheme will not last very long. It eventually collapses since it was based on something that either never existed, or was grossly overvalued.A major attraction of a Ponzi scheme is that it appears to be a high paying investment opportunity. As a passive type of program, a person does not need to work in order to generate great profits. The impression that people are given is that they need only to put their money into it and wait for the money to come rolling in!Unfortunately, only a few “early birds” actually make money, which they actually receive by fraud, while everyone else loses most of or maybe their entire investment!CYCLING PROGRAMSMost people who are looking for ways to make money, truly just want to find something that is legitimate and is within their ability to do. A conventional business generally requires a large investment and long working hours. Network marketing, even though it is also a business that takes investment of time and money before a great deal of success is realized, has the advantages of being able to work part time and takes far less investment than does a conventional business. Unfortunately, with network marketing or MLM, there is a lot of hype. Often people are made to believe that they should be making lots of money in a short time. Since that usually doesn’t happen with MLM, as in any other legitimate business, people may begin looking for something that has less involvement and is more “passive” in nature.So along comes an offer of a promise to make money in a short period of time. All you have to do is invest your money…and wait. There may or may not be some sort of product involved. A product of some sort at least keeps the program within “legal” limits. The so-called product may be leads that have been used over & over again, or some other internet thing that a person would not normally spend their hard-earned bucks for.The promoters can be very skilled at making a person think that they are getting into a type of investment that really pays off. Indeed, a person, provided they are in “early” enough, does get paid. Investors are led to believe that the “investment” is what is paying off, when in reality, it may be they are being paid from new people investing their money, or even may be getting part of their own money back. These high-yield investment programs (HYIP’s) are actually much like the “cycling” programs only they are not called that. Most of those programs last no longer than about 6 months or so, and then collapse.Then there are the programs that tell you that you will get paid when you cycle, or it is your turn. At first it takes only a few days to “cycle” and your money may double. The longer the program lasts, the longer it takes for a person to cycle. Eventually the cycle program collapses and the promoter starts another one. Most likely the same people that got in early on one program, will be the ones who get in early on the next program, and so on. A few people make real money, while the majority of folks are left holding the bag!The promoter of this kind of program, I believe, is running an illegal Ponzi scheme! Even the people who get in early and make money are actually making money at the expense of those who invested later on, and may be in legal trouble, at least in the United States.From the little bit of experience I have had with both the HYIP’s and the cycling programs, even though at the time I believed each was probably legitimate, a close analysis now tells me different. In general, I would advise anyone to stay far, far away from HYIP’s and from cycling programs. However, I believe there may be some exceptions to the above information: there are at least a couple companies which have been around for several years that offer cycling plans to their members to help them in advertising or obtaining leads for their business. It should be noted, though, that the members purchase product from these companies each month. Their compensation plan is not based on when they “cycle.”Dear reader, face up to it, if you are going to develop an income in a legitimate business, you will need to be prepared to work, invest some money, and allow time before you realize the income of your dreams!

Council Right to Buy Mortgage – Helping Everyone Have a Home

“We will help every Council Tenant to become Home Owners”With these historic words Margaret Thatcher initiated an equally historic concept of council right to buy scheme. However, the groundwork for this scheme had been laid much before in the 70s under the reigns of the labour government.The council right to buy scheme, without being embroiled in any controversy regarding who set off the council right to buy scheme, was indeed momentous. It led many people, who would never have thought (capable would be a more appropriate word to describe their situation) to have their own homes.So what is council right to buy scheme? Council right to buy scheme is a scheme under which the council tenants are eligible to buy the house in which they have been living. Therefore, what is that which distinguishes the council right to buy scheme from the other schemes? It is different because the customer would have to pay much lesser than what he would have paid had he bought the house in the open market. This is because the customer is entitled to a discount for the number of years that he was staying in the house as a tenant. The rate of discount varies with the type of residence and the location of the residence. A person residing in a house will be eligible for a discount of up to 30% with a further discount of 1% for every year lived as a tenant of the house. In cases of flats or maisonettes the rate of discount ranges from 44% to 70%, but not exceeding £38,000. The maximum rate of discount is admissible only in a few localities like the posh London and the Southeast areas of England.To avail the scheme one must be a council tenant. A council tenant is a secured tenant who has been living since 5 years or more (the limit has been changed from 2 years with effect from 18th January 2005) in any of the following:•District council •London borough council •Non-charitable housing association or other registered social landlord •Housing action trust. •County council or another similar body Numerous lenders who have sensed the importance of the scheme offer mortgages especially designed to facilitate such purchases. These mortgages are called council right to buy mortgage. A council right to buy mortgage offers to pay the price of the house. This will be an added attraction to the tenants to go for the scheme. The council tenants can pay off to the council from whom the house has been purchased, and then pay to the mortgage provider in easy and affordable installments. In fact, the monthly installment, which the tenant will have to pay, is lesser than the rent he had been paying. Moreover, while the rent is a sunk cost, the monthly installments facilitate you to have your own home.Getting a council right to buy mortgage is not that easy. One must start the search process right from the day when they get the offer. The approval process normally takes around 3 months. To start the search late would mean getting the mortgage late. This could mean losing on the offer for council right to buy. The council tenant must also undertake a full structural survey of the property. The customer must be fully aware of the various formalities that need to be met in case of a council right to buy mortgage. The net can provide enough information about the mortgages. Independent financial advisors can provide useful advice about the various intricacies of the mortgage. A solicitor appointed by the council tenant will act on his behalf in all legal formalities. The solicitor will help in the documentation part of the council right to buy which includes forms like RTB1, RTB2, Section 125 notice, etc. Next, one has to sort out one mortgage provider from the numerous contenders. This is the most basic step and astuteness in this step will decide how the mortgage fares in the long run. The initial screening can be done through the net. The mortgage providers have compiled the information about their operations and the products that they offer on their websites. Careful study of the information will help give a manageable list of 10-20 mortgage lenders. These mortgage lenders can be requested for their no obligation mortgage quotes. Few more mortgage providers are ousted in this stage. The customer then personally meets the remaining mortgage providers. This is the final stage of the selection process.The last step will be to decide the amount of mortgage to be taken. This will be derived after valuation of the house by the council or housing association and deducting the discounts from the price.Treading in a step by step manner will be time consuming but will ensure that one does not has to repent later. You would surely cherish the output, which this effort leads to. The output will be your home-your own home, a perfect allurement, for which you will be ready to take any efforts.

Conducting a VoIP Readiness Assessment of Your Corporate Net

2005 is predicted to be the year of voice over IP (VoIP) solutions for a growing number of corporate enterprises - both large and small. If you have been considering the benefits of implementing VoIP, you are certainly not alone. In its just-published "2005 Telecommunications Report," Harris Interactive found that 87% of business decision-makers are familiar with VoIP and, of that number, 12% currently use it in their organizations.So what's the big attraction? Cost mainly. But lowering company telecom expenses is just one aspect of the lure of implementing VoIP solutions. Other advantages include the potential for value-added services and the capability of more advanced features made possible through the integration of voice and data (e.g. videoconferencing, advanced voicemail features,etc.)Sounds good, but here's the's also been estimated that up to 85% of corporate networks are simply not ready to handle VoIP. Combining voice with data is a tricky proposition. After decades of getting used to near-perfect sound quality delivered over traditional voice networks, even the slightest delays in voip can be very annoying.Before diving in to a full-blown VoIP solution, it is advisable that you conduct a voice over IP readiness assessment of your existing network. This assessment will provide you with two very important pieces of information:1) The capability of your existing data network to deliver high-quality voip calls, and; 2) the ability to evaluate the quality of these calls during a wide variety of traffic scenarios.Keep in mind that most data networks were not designed for VoIP, so chances are that some upgrading of your existing network will be necessary.One critical requirement for VoIP to work is QoS. (Short for Quality of Service, a networking term that specifies a guaranteed throughput level). For QoS to work, the routers and switches that manage the data traffic flow in your network must be able to prioritize VoIP data packets via QoS. 4 Steps to a Successful VoIP Readiness Assessment1) Conduct a complete inventory of your existing network. Identify routers, switches and links in your network and store their configuration data in a database. This step is crucial before you can move to step 2. 2) Determine the current CPU, memory and bandwidth of your network devices, routers and switches. This information will give you a "baseline" of your existing network infrastructure and current capacity. 3) Simulate and compare VoIP usage scenarios to estimate the call capacity of the network. 4) Determine how well VoIP will perform on your network by measuring simulated VoIP traffic and calculating call quality based on a Mean Opinion Score (MOS). We have recently added a VoIP bandwidth calculator tool to help you determine various codec, MOS, and bandwidth scenarios. Go to for more information.While VoIP can ride over the highways that your data currently does, it is a new application with new rules. A VoIP readiness assessment will give you the information you need to incorporate a VoIP solution without unnecessary hassles and expenses due to lack of proper planning and research. If you are considering migrating to VoIP and need help, contact us and we'll help guide you to the right sources. TelCon AssociatesFor 32 years, TelCon Associates has helped companies of all sizes gain control and reduce telecom spending through their proprietary methods of telecom audits, telecom bill management and telecom audit training. Visit for more information and free news and resources in the telecom industry.
